Thursday, April 18, 2013


Since last year, I had wanted to go to Tomorrowland. It's a 3 day 2 nights party, booze and dance gangbang schingdaling rave situated in the middle of nowhere (actually, it's in the town of Boom in Belgium. Cute name, eh?). I thought I could save up the RM10k ++ for the entire trip. The tickets for Tomorrowland 2013 were going on sale this week and guess what? They sold out within a matter of days.

Check this video out. How can you not want to go there? Although there are definitely a long string of pros (cute boys, awesome DJ line up, hot chicks, booze, international hunks, more booze, some Belgium scenary), there's also a few cons:

1. If you study the video, there's tons of hot chicks in bikinis and hot pants. Only one of my thighs can fit into them dang hotpants; what more a size 10 bikini do to hold up my boobs? And then you'd say "Who ask you to wear bikini??". I LIKE LA! I also want to show off ma... But I look like dugong in bikinis. So, maybe just wear sarong.

2.  Who on earth can party for 3 days 2 nights straight? I'd probably dance for 2 hours, then rest for 2 hours. Then attempt to dance in the 5th hour for perhaps 30 mins, get drunk and then KO until the next day. Unless I Redbull the entire 3 days. Siok wei. Mata macam buring hantu. Then go party. With an orange topi.

3. Bo kaki. If I go alone, who is going to drag me back to the hotel room? Who is going to stop me from merabaing all those cute guys? Who is going to tell me to pull my sarong up when it's falling off? So many embarassing scenarios can be avoided with a good kaki.

4. My funny friend said he cannot go - cause he too short. Yes, applies to me too. All I'd see is ketiaks and more ketiaks. Bonus if I see cute ass. But if I see an ass at my face height, I should probably worry. Either got tall freaks invasion or I'm too stoned to stand up straight.

5. RM10k is a lot. Got better things to do with 10k. Like.... set up my own rave. Yeah. That's a good idea.

Sighs. Maybe next year. If I strike lottery. Then I'll go. With a kaki.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Mum, I'll always need you

It's Mother's Day again. And I bought a card for Mummy. I've never been good in putting my thoughts down in words, and this card really hits the spot. It had one of Gail Dickert's works on it. I shall put it here... to remind all those who miss their mums, but are so tied up with their own lives and are guilty for not being able to be there at her side: that you'll always need your mum - no matter how old you are. I know how all of you feel.

Mom, I'll always need you
No matter how old I get,
I'll still need to hear you say
     you're proud of me.
I'll need your advice,
     even though I may not take it.
I'll need to know how you are -
     even when you don't feel well
     or would rather not "burden" me
     with your problems.
No matter how busy I get,
     I'll always need to hear you say
     you thought of me today.
I'll need to hear your voice,
     even if I may not have
     enough time to talk.
I still need to know you love me.

No matter how upset I am,
     I'll always need to hear you say
     that you know & can handle it.
I'll still need to hear
     your honest opinion,
     even though it might annoy me.
I'll want to know about
     your experiences,
     even if it takes me years
     to learn from them
     or apply them to my own situations.

No matter what's going on in my life...
     I'll always need you, Mom.

~Gail Dickert

Friday, May 14, 2010

Gulf of Mexico : Disaster slowly unfolds

Heard of the exploded oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico? Check out more devastation here

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Justin Bieber Killer

This dude can really sing! I love the way he sings the word "Paparazzi". And tingles goes down my spine at the chorus. 2:19 is another great part. Way to go greyson97!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Translation needs GPS

Here are more weird lines that I simply cannot comprehend.
Whoever did the Chinese - English translation has to be smoking something illegal.

What Brother enjoys is not aloneness; it's loneliness.
(...... ... . ... Wha..?)

Laced sleeping gown with wooden clogs makes one completely relax.
(How can one relax when wearing clogs???)

Whole body as if fills with Hawaii's flavor.
(... I'm curious as to how does Hawaii tastes like? Pineapple perhaps?)

Simple, at will, correct, and this is youth!
(What, the, f-, and... f-this*hit!)

There goes my day at the office...

Lost in Translation

I was proof reading some in-game text for an online game (for kids younger than 14), and I came across this line (in Chinese),


The CORRECT translation (from should be:
Like extreme sports? Come with me!

Guess what their copywriter came up with?
Do you like maximal sports? Let's come with me!

...... Oh yeahh... Sounds like FUN!...


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Random nonsense #3

I was combing through and came across this absolutely hilarious newspaper cutting. Not too sure if it really was printed.

I like his last statement though. LOL.